Our last vocal workshop of 2023 starts in 10 days and once again we're adding a special guest to the class!
This time I'm bringing an acting coach to help our students. Why do I add these guest teachers to class? Let's discuss 3 Benefits of Having a guest teacher in our Singing for Fun Vocal Workshop!
Guest Teachers Reiterate the need to address a certain aspect of your technique or performance: Often a guest teacher will immediately point out something that the regular teacher has repeatedly stressed needs attention. When it's stated with a new voice, this often drives the point home to the student. I always say when you continue to receive similar feedback from different people- it's a sign you should address this.
Fresh Ears: A guest teacher mights notice something about your voice you've never heard before. It could be constructive or positive such as complimenting your tone or noticing your need to work on your posture.
Teaching Styles: One of the reasons to shop around for a music teacher are the different styles they use to communicate. You might work better with someone who describes visually, technically or even spiritually! A guest teacher might resonate with you in an unexpected way!
Come check out our vocal workshop for adults in Los Angeles and work on your technique and performance styles. We also work on harmonies and working with a live accompanist.