Shortly before the pandemic rolled in and disrupted the way we work, I had the opportunity to teach in China for nearly a month. I was giving master classes in singing, songwriting & piano whilst performing throughout the country with an amazing band.
It's funny how potential students always ask me what my "Teaching Method" is. Teaching in China really taught me how teachers must adapt to their students in order to make them better. There were language barriers and in addition the relationship between teacher and student is far different in China. I've learned over the years that each student comes from a different experience and that's what I'm listening to when the sing and speak. Over the years I've studied countless methods and in addition the personal experience expands on these methods. So basically the answer is if you want to know my method, it is solely based on who you are and who you'd like to become as a singer!
Go to "Book Now" if you'd like to get to know more set up a singing or piano lessons with me in West Los Angeles or on Zoom.